The Modernist Icon Art Gallery
Modernist Icon is a private art collection and art gallery based in St. Petersburg, Florida. The aim of its collector is to collect and share a body of work based on the principles of Modernism along side Contemporary work from the mid 20th century to today.
The collection and art gallery started with a focus on Neo-Plasticism, De Stijl and their contemporary influences throughout the world. Visual works and sculpture are heavily based on pure, mostly non-objective Geometric Abstraction. Mid Century furniture and design are heavy on their use of wood and chrome wire.
American artists such as Alexander Calder and Ilya Bolotowsky take up a hefty spot in the art collection – shown along side earlier and contemporary American and European influences such as Adolf Flieshmann and Fredrich Vordemberg-Gilderwart.
The collection has spilled over into the realms of contemporary glass art, modern ceramics, ethnographic pieces and a lofty collection of electronics inspired by space age design. Geometry and lack of adornment is often the core esthetic value.
The Modernist Icon art gallery and collection often lends pieces out for curatorial purposes. Introducing, educating and drawing distinct lines of reference between modern and contemporary visual art and design through pieces – which at their core – were produced to live in the shadow of pop culture and go against the recognized trends and “norms” of everyday society. We welcome questions or comments.
The most extensive medium in the collection. Modernist Icon is young! Until the ability to spring on larger, more expensive paintings became a reality prints were what filled the walls.
Paintings are a relatively new venture. Works by artists such as Ilya Bolotowsky, Silvano Bozzolini and Heinrich Siepmann rule the roost! Lately paintings are of high interest.
Astronaut helmets, flying saucers, planetary orbs, and satellites all became part of the pop culture landscape of the time. Few designs since have reflected a more futuristic optimism.
Contemporary art glass, wooden and bronze sculptures make up the bulk of this growing collection. Art in 3 dimensional format is a growing interest from the geometric to the organic.
Mostly modern American ceramics like Hall and Russel Wright – but ever more the collection populated with Santo Domingo, Pre-Columbian and fine examples of Southwest Pottery.
Does form follow function or is the opposite true? Whatever the case modern furniture is an inspiration when you live with it. Bentwood and classic designs in chrome dominate.]
Latest Additions to the Art Collection